Biowizard Waste Management

BioWizard is an environmental-friendly product meant for treating organic waste and controlling the foul odor associated with decaying garbage. It is a revolutionary enzyme and essential oil-based technology useful for large scale municipal landfills, waste transfer and handling a plethora of garbage sites as well as chronic public spots

A Patented Technology for the removal of odor in minutes and treatment of Solid and Liquid waste within 12-15 days.


  • Eliminates offensive odour & effective within minutes of 1st application.
  • Removes harmful pathogens that cause diseases.
  • Removes amine compounds that attract flies, cockroaches and other insects.
  • Its effect lasts as long as the conditions for the existence of micro-organisms are there.
  • Cost effective with long residual effective period.
  • 100% organic.
  • Harmless to humans and environment.
  • Rapid reduction in volumes of waste.

Approved by Dr. Ragunath Mashelkar Committee under Swacha Bharat Abhiyan and Published in the “Compendium of Innovative Technology on Rural Drinking water and sanitation” by Ministry of Drinking water and Sanitation in July 2015.